Board of Trustees

The Board is responsible for the governance of the congregation, including conducting the congregation’s business affairs, management of the building, convening an annual membership meeting, and overseeing the work of the committees. Members are elected at the annual congregational meeting in May.

For a project, event, or improvement that you have in mind, please review the attached form and submit if necessary: Project, event, or improvements submission form


Standing Committees

The Fellowship’s volunteer-run committees are in charge of the programs and activities that are at the heart of congregational life.

Caring Committee

The mission of the UUFL Caring Committee is to help create an environment of care and concern for the pastoral needs of the members and friends of our congregation. Current Caring Committee members are Robin Chestek, Jim Erdelyi (chair), Ralph Garrett and Sara Saulcy.

The committee sends out cards recognizing both happy and difficult events in people’s lives. We also send flowers and charitable donations on occasions of both joy and sorrow.  Members make hospital and nursing home visits and offer phone, text, email, and in-person support and encouragement.

If you wish to become a member of the Caring Committee, or if you or someone you know needs our support and concern, please contact Jim Erdelyi at 307 760-8274 or


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee fosters and nurtures Fellowship growth and retention by ensuring that visitors and newcomers, as well as regular friends and members, are welcomed warmly and provided with information about the congregation. As part of their mission, the committee also arranges for hospitality during the after-service coffee and conversation hour.

This committee maintains the congregational membership database which is used to create mailing lists for the UUFL newsletter and official congregational business.  Committee members work with the minister to offer the Path to Membership program for those interested in joining the congregation.  Robin Chestek chairs this committee, and Ken Chestek maintains the Fellowship database.  If you would like to become involved with these activities, contact Robin at


Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for developing and presenting the worship services on Sundays when Rev. Kee is not in the pulpit.  They provide stimulating and imaginative services that touch on diverse topics.  Have an idea for a service?  Contact Barbara Bogart,, and consider contributing your ideas to this group.


Publicity and Outreach

The mission of this committee is to share information about our congregation with members, friends, and visitors as well as the larger community. We do so through our website and newsletter, along with local press, radio, and online news outlets and social media. We underwrite announcements on Wyoming Public Radio to let community members know that our liberal religious services are open to anyone who wishes to worship with us on Sundays. And we make sure that information about our weekly services is posted on the UU Laramie public Facebook page.  If you are interested in sharing your talents with the PR Outreach Committee, please contact Marian Erdelyi at