Our building is available for rent to non-members and outside groups.  Our rental policy includes a $200 (refundable) security deposit and a rental fee of $10 per hour or $60 for all-day use.  These fees are due at least 24 hours before the rental date. To reserve the building, contact David Perry at dperry@uwyo.edu.


COVID policy:  The UUFL board has established the following policies governing the use of the Fellowship building:

We strongly encourage all eligible members to be fully vaccinated and we continue to recommend indoor
masking as ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect our community. However, we no longer require
masks inside the Fellowship. In addition, use of the kitchen and food service is permitted by groups that wish to
do so. The Board will continue to monitor pandemic conditions and adjust our policies if we need to return to
more restrictive measures.